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发表于 2009-11-22 09:39:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Remarks by President Barack Obama at Town Hall Meeting with Future Chinese Leaders      Museum of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China      1:18 P.M. CST
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Good afternoon.  It is a great honor for me to behere in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all ofyou.  I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for hishospitality and his gracious welcome.  I'd also like to thank ouroutstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties andrespect between our nations.  I don't know what he said, but I hope itwas good.  (Laughter.)
What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then whatI'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only fromstudents who are in the audience, but also we've received questionsonline, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in theaudience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman.  And I am very sorry thatmy Chinese is not as good as your English, but I am looking forward tothis chance to have a dialogue.
This is my first time traveling to China, and I'm excited to seethis majestic country.  Here, in Shanghai, we see the growth that hascaught the attention of the world -- the soaring skyscrapers, thebustling streets and entrepreneurial activity.  And just as I'mimpressed by these signs of China's journey to the 21st century, I'meager to see those ancient places that speak to us from China's distantpast.  Tomorrow and the next day I hope to have a chance when I'm inBeijing to see the majesty of the Forbidden City and the wonder of theGreat Wall.  Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a richhistory and a belief in the promise of the future.
The same can be said of the relationship between our two countries. Shanghai, of course, is a city that has great meaning in the history ofthe relationship between the United States and China.  It was here, 37years ago, that the Shanghai Communique opened the door to a newchapter of engagement between our governments and among our people. However, America's ties to this city -- and to this country -- stretchback further, to the earliest days of America's independence.
In 1784, our founding father, George Washington, commissioned theEmpress of China, a ship that set sail for these shores so that itcould pursue trade with the Qing Dynasty. Washington wanted to see theship carry the flag around the globe, and to forge new ties withnations like China.  This is a common American impulse -- the desire toreach for new horizons, and to forge new partnerships that are mutuallybeneficial.
Over the two centuries that have followed, the currents of historyhave steered the relationship between our countries in manydirections.  And even in the midst of tumultuous winds, our people hadopportunities to forge deep and even dramatic ties. For instance,Americans will never forget the hospitality shown to our pilots whowere shot down over your soil during World War II, and cared for byChinese civilians who risked all that they had by doing so.  AndChinese veterans of that war still warmly greet those American veteranswho return to the sites where they fought to help liberate China fromoccupation.
A different kind of connection was made nearly 40 years ago when thefrost between our countries began to thaw through the simple game oftable tennis.  The very unlikely nature of this engagement contributedto its success -- because for all our differences, both our commonhumanity and our shared curiosity were revealed.  As one Americanplayer described his visit to China -- "[The]people are just likeus…The country is very similar to America, but still very different."
Of course this small opening was followed by the achievement of theShanghai Communique, and the eventual establishment of formal relationsbetween the United States and China in 1979.  And in three decades,just look at how far we have come.
In 1979, trade between the United States and China stood at roughly$5 billion -- today it tops over $400 billion each year. The commerceaffects our people's lives in so many ways.  America imports from Chinamany of the computer parts we use, the clothes we wear; and we exportto China machinery that helps power your industry.  This trade couldcreate even more jobs on both sides of the Pacific, while allowing ourpeople to enjoy a better quality of life.  And as demand becomes morebalanced, it can lead to even broader prosperity.
In 1979, the political cooperation between the United States andChina was rooted largely in our shared rivalry with the Soviet Union. Today, we have a positive, constructive and comprehensive relationshipthat opens the door to partnership on the key global issues of our time-- economic recovery and the development of clean energy; stopping thespread of nuclear weapons and the scourge of climate change; thepromotion of peace and security in Asia and around the globe.  All ofthese issues will be on the agenda tomorrow when I meet with PresidentHu.
And in 1979, the connections among our people were limited. Today,we see the curiosity of those ping-pong players manifested in the tiesthat are being forged across many sectors.  The second highest numberof foreign students in the United States come from China, and we'veseen a 50 percent increase in the study of Chinese among our ownstudents.  There are nearly 200 "friendship cities" drawing ourcommunities together.  American and Chinese scientists cooperate on newresearch and discovery.  And of course, Yao Ming is just one signal ofour shared love of basketball -- I'm only sorry that I won't be able tosee a Shanghai Sharks game while I'm visiting.
It is no coincidence that the relationship between our countries hasaccompanied a period of positive change.  China has lifted hundreds ofmillions of people out of poverty -- an accomplishment unparalleled inhuman history -- while playing a larger role in global events.  And theUnited States has seen our economy grow along with the standard ofliving enjoyed by our people, while bringing the Cold War to asuccessful conclusion.
There is a Chinese proverb:  "Consider the past, and you shall knowthe future."  Surely, we have known setbacks and challenges over thelast 30 years.  Our relationship has not been without disagreement anddifficulty.  But the notion that we must be adversaries is notpredestined -- not when we consider the past.  Indeed, because of ourcooperation, both the United States and China are more prosperous andmore secure.  We have seen what is possible when we build upon ourmutual interests, and engage on the basis of mutual respect.
And yet the success of that engagement depends upon understanding --on sustaining an open dialogue, and learning about one another and fromone another.  For just as that American table tennis player pointed out-- we share much in common as human beings, but our countries aredifferent in certain ways.
I believe that each country must chart its own course.  China is anancient nation, with a deeply rooted culture.  The United States, bycomparison, is a young nation, whose culture is determined by the manydifferent immigrants who have come to our shores, and by the foundingdocuments that guide our democracy.
Those documents put forward a simple vision of human affairs, andthey enshrine several core principles -- that all men and women arecreated equal, and possess certain fundamental rights; that governmentshould reflect the will of the people and respond to their wishes; thatcommerce should be open, information freely accessible; and that laws,and not simply men, should guarantee the administration of justice.
Of course, the story of our nation is not without its difficultchapters.  In many ways -- over many years -- we have struggled toadvance the promise of these principles to all of our people, and toforge a more perfect union.  We fought a very painful civil war, andfreed a portion of our population from slavery.  It took time for womento be extended the right to vote, workers to win the right to organize,and for immigrants from different corners of the globe to be fullyembraced.  Even after they were freed, African Americans perseveredthrough conditions that were separate and not equal, before winningfull and equal rights.
None of this was easy.  But we made progress because of our beliefin those core principles, which have served as our compass through thedarkest of storms.  That is why Lincoln could stand up in the midst ofcivil war and declare it a struggle to see whether any nation,conceived in liberty, and "dedicated to the proposition that all menare created equal" could long endure. That is why Dr. Martin LutherKing could stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and ask that ournation live out the true meaning of its creed.  That's why immigrantsfrom China to Kenya could find a home on our shores; why opportunity isavailable to all who would work for it; and why someone like me, wholess than 50 years ago would have had trouble voting in some parts ofAmerica, is now able to serve as its President.
And that is why America will always speak out for these coreprinciples around the world.   We do not seek to impose any system ofgovernment on any other nation, but we also don't believe that theprinciples that we stand for are unique to our nation.  These freedomsof expression and worship -- of access to information and politicalparticipation -- we believe are universal rights.  They should beavailable to all people, including ethnic and religious minorities --whether they are in the United States, China, or any nation.  Indeed,it is that respect for universal rights that guides America's opennessto other countries; our respect for different cultures; our commitmentto international law; and our faith in the future.
These are all things that you should know about America.  I alsoknow that we have much to learn about China.  Looking around at thismagnificent city -- and looking around this room -- I do believe thatour nations hold something important in common, and that is a belief inthe future.  Neither the United States nor China is content to rest onour achievements.  For while China is an ancient nation, you are alsoclearly looking ahead with confidence, ambition, and a commitment tosee that tomorrow's generation can do better than today's.
In addition to your growing economy, we admire China's extraordinarycommitment to science and research -- a commitment borne out ineverything from the infrastructure you build to the technology youuse.  China is now the world's largest Internet user -- which is why wewere so pleased to include the Internet as a part of today's event. This country now has the world's largest mobile phone network, and itis investing in the new forms of energy that can both sustain growthand combat climate change -- and I'm looking forward to deepening thepartnership between the United States and China in this critical areatomorrow.  But above all, I see China's future in you -- young peoplewhose talent and dedication and dreams will do so much to help shapethe 21st century.
I've said many times that I believe that our world is nowfundamentally interconnected.  The jobs we do, the prosperity we build,the environment we protect, the security that we seek -- all of thesethings are shared.  And given that interconnection, power in the 21stcentury is no longer a zero-sum game; one country's success need notcome at the expense of another.  And that is why the United Statesinsists we do not seek to contain China's rise.  On the contrary, wewelcome China as a strong and prosperous and successful member of thecommunity of nations -- a China that draws on the rights, strengths,and creativity of individual Chinese like you.
To return to the proverb -- consider the past.  We know that more isto be gained when great powers cooperate than when they collide.  Thatis a lesson that human beings have learned time and again, and that isthe example of the history between our nations.  And I believe stronglythat cooperation must go beyond our government.  It must be rooted inour people -- in the studies we share, the business that we do, theknowledge that we gain, and even in the sports that we play.  And thesebridges must be built by young men and women just like you and yourcounterparts in America.
That's why I'm pleased to announce that the United States willdramatically expand the number of our students who study in China to100,000.  And these exchanges mark a clear commitment to build tiesamong our people, as surely as you will help determine the destiny ofthe 21st century.  And I'm absolutely confident that America has nobetter ambassadors to offer than our young people.  For they, just likeyou, are filled with talent and energy and optimism about the historythat is yet to be written.
So let this be the next step in the steady pursuit of cooperationthat will serve our nations, and the world.  And if there's one thingthat we can take from today's dialogue, I hope that it is a commitmentto continue this dialogue going forward.
So thank you very much.  And I look forward now to taking some questions from all of you.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)
So -- I just want to make sure this works.  This is a tradition, bythe way, that is very common in the United States at these town hallmeetings.  And what we're going to do is I will just -- if you areinterested in asking a question, you can raise your hands.  I will callon you.  And then I will alternate between a question from the audienceand an Internet question from one of the students who prepared thequestions, as well as I think Ambassador Huntsman may have a questionthat we were able to obtain from the Web site of our embassy.
So let me begin, though, by seeing -- and then what I'll do is I'llcall on a boy and then a girl and then -- so we'll go back and forth,so that you know it's fair.  All right?  So I'll start with this younglady right in the front.  Why don't we wait for this microphone soeveryone can hear you.  And what's your name?
Q    My name is (inaudible) and I am a student from FudanUniversity.  Shanghai and Chicago have been sister cities since 1985,and these two cities have conduct a wide range of economic, political,and cultural exchanges.  So what measures will you take to deepen thisclose relationship between cities of the United States and China?  AndShanghai will hold the World Exposition next year.  Will you bring yourfamily to visit the Expo?  Thank you.
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, thank you very much for the question.  I wasjust having lunch before I came here with the Mayor of Shanghai, and hetold me that he has had an excellent relationship with the city ofChicago -- my home town -- that he's visited there twice.  And I thinkit's wonderful to have these exchanges between cities.
One of the things that I discussed with the Mayor is how both citiescan learn from each other on strategies around clean energy, becauseone of the issues that ties China and America together is how, with anexpanding population and a concern for climate change, that we're ableto reduce our carbon footprint.  And obviously in the United States andmany developed countries, per capita, per individual, they are alreadyusing much more energy than each individual here in China.  But asChina grows and expands, it's going to be using more energy as well. So both countries have a great interest in finding new strategies.
We talked about mass transit and the excellent rail lines that arebeing developed in Shanghai.  I think we can learn in Chicago and theUnited States some of the fine work that's being done on high-speedrail.
In the United States, I think we are learning how to developbuildings that use much less energy, that are much moreenergy-efficient.  And I know that with Shanghai, as I traveled and Isaw all the cranes and all the new buildings that are going up, it'svery important for us to start incorporating these new technologies sothat each building is energy-efficient when it comes to lighting, whenit comes to heating.  And so it's a terrific opportunity I think for usto learn from each other.
I know this is going to be a major focus of the Shanghai  WorldExpo, is the issue of clean energy, as I learned from the Mayor.  Andso I would love to attend.  I'm not sure yet what my schedule is goingto be, but I'm very pleased that we're going to have an excellent U.S.pavilion at the Expo, and I understand that we expect as many as 70million visitors here.  So it's going to be very crowded and it's goingto be very exciting.
Chicago has had two world expos in its history, and both of thoseexpos ended up being tremendous boosts for the city.  So I'm sure thesame thing will happen here in Shanghai.
Thank you.  (Applause.)
Why don't we get one of the questions from the Internet?  And introduce yourself, in case --
Q    First shall I say it in Chinese, and then the English, okay?
Q    I want to pose a question from the Internet.  I want to thankyou, Mr. President, for visiting China in your first year in office,and exchange views with us in China.  I want to know what are youbringing to China, your visit to China this time, and what will youbring back to the United States?  (Applause.)
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  The main purpose of my trip is to deepen myunderstanding of China and its vision for the future.  I have hadseveral meetings now with President Hu.  We participated together inthe G20 that was dealing with the economic financial crisis.  We havehad consultations about a wide range of issues. But I think it's veryimportant for the United States to continually deepen its understandingof China, just as it's important for China to continually deepen itsunderstanding of the United States.
In terms of what I'd like to get out of this meeting, or this visit,in addition to having the wonderful opportunity to see the ForbiddenCity and the Great Wall, and to meet with all of you -- these are allhighlights -- but in addition to that, the discussions that I intend tohave with President Hu speak to the point that Ambassador Huntsman madeearlier, which is there are very few global challenges that can besolved unless the United States and China agree.
So let me give you a specific example, and that is the issue we werejust discussing of climate change.  The United States and China are theworld's two largest emitters of greenhouse gases, of carbon that iscausing the planet to warm.  Now, the United States, as a highlydeveloped country, as I said before, per capita, consumes much moreenergy and emits much more greenhouse gases for each individual thandoes China.  On the other hand, China is growing at a much faster paceand it has a much larger population.  So unless both of our countriesare willing to take critical steps in dealing with this issue, we willnot be able to resolve it.
There's going to be a Copenhagen conference in December in whichworld leaders are trying to find a recipe so that we can all makecommitments that are differentiated so each country would not have thesame obligations -- obviously China, which has much more poverty,should not have to do exactly the same thing as the United States --but all of us should have these certain obligations in terms of whatour plan will be to reduce these greenhouse gases.
So that's an example of what I hope to get out of this meeting -- ameeting of the minds between myself and President Hu about how togetherthe United States and China can show leadership.  Because I will tellyou, other countries around the world will be waiting for us.  Theywill watch to see what we do. And if they say, ah, you know, the UnitedStates and China, they're not serious about this, then they won't beserious either.  That is the burden of leadership that both of ourcountries now carry.  And my hope is, is that the more discussion anddialogue that we have, the more we are able to show this leadership tothe world on these many critical issues.  Okay?  (Applause.)
All right, it's a -- I think it must be a boy's turn now.  Right?  So I'll call on this young man right here.
Q    (As translated.)  Mr. President, good afternoon.  I'm fromTongji University.  I want to cite a saying from Confucius: "It isalways good to have a friend coming from afar."  In Confucius books,there is a great saying which says that harmony is good, but also weuphold differences.  China advocates a harmonious world.  We know thatthe United States develops a culture that features diversity.  I wantto know, what will your government do to build a diversified world withdifferent cultures?  What would you do to respect the differentcultures and histories of other countries?  And what kinds ofcooperation we can conduct in the future?
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  This is an excellent point.  The United States,one of our strengths is that we are a very diverse culture.  We havepeople coming from all around the world.  And so there's no onedefinition of what an American looks like.  In my own family, I have afather who was from Kenya; I have a mother who was from Kansas, in theMidwest of the United States; my sister is half-Indonesian; she'smarried to a Chinese person from Canada.  So when you see familygatherings in the Obama household, it looks like the United Nations. (Laughter.)
And that is a great strength of the United States, because it meansthat we learn from different cultures and different foods and differentideas, and that has made us a much more dynamic society.
Now, what is also true is that each country in this interconnectedworld has its own culture and its own history and its own traditions. And I think it's very important for the United States not to assumethat what is good for us is automatically good for somebody else.  Andwe have to have some modesty about our attitudes towards othercountries.
I have to say, though, as I said in my opening remarks, that we dobelieve that there are certain fundamental principles that are commonto all people, regardless of culture.  So, for example, in the UnitedNations we are very active in trying to make sure that children allaround the world are treated with certain basic rights -- that ifchildren are being exploited, if there's forced labor for children,that despite the fact that that may have taken place in the past inmany different countries, including the United States, that allcountries of the world now should have developed to the point where weare treating children better than we did in the past.  That's auniversal value.
I believe, for example, the same thing holds true when it comes tothe treatment of women.  I had a very interesting discussion with theMayor of Shanghai during lunch right before I came, and he informed methat in many professions now here in China, there are actually morewomen enrolled in college than there are men, and that they are doingvery well.  I think that is an excellent indicator of progress, becauseit turns out that if you look at development around the world, one ofthe best indicators of whether or not a country does well is how wellit educates its girls and how it treats its women.  And countries thatare tapping into the talents and the energy of women and giving themeducations typically do better economically than countries that don't.
So, now, obviously difficult cultures may have different attitudesabout the relationship between men and women, but I think it is theview of the United States that it is important for us to affirm therights of women all around the world.  And if we see certain societiesin which women are oppressed, or they are not getting opportunities, orthere is violence towards women, we will speak out.
Now, there may be some people who disagree with us, and we can havea dialogue about that.  But we think it's important, nevertheless, tobe true to our ideals and our values.  And we -- and when we do so,though, we will always do so with the humility and understanding thatwe are not perfect and that we still have much progress to make.  Ifyou talk to women in America, they will tell you that there are stillmen who have a lot of old-fashioned ideas about the role of women insociety.  And so we don't claim that we have solved all these problems,but we do think that it's important for us to speak out on behalf ofthese universal ideals and these universal values.
Okay?  All right.  We're going to take a question from the Internet.
Q    Hello, Mr. President.  It's a great honor to be here and meet you in person.
Q    I will be reading a question selected on the Internet to you,and this question is from somebody from Taiwan.  In his question, hesaid:  I come from Taiwan.  Now I am doing business on the mainland. And due to improved cross-straits relations in recent years, mybusiness in China is doing quite well.  So when I heard the news thatsome people in America would like to propose -- continue selling armsand weapons to Taiwan, I begin to get pretty worried.  I worry thatthis may make our cross-straits relations suffer.  So I would like toknow if, Mr. President, are you supportive of improved cross-straitsrelations?  And although this question is from a businessman, actually,it's a question of keen concern to all of us young Chinese students, sowe'd really like to know your position on this question.  Thank you. (Applause.)
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you.  Well, I have been clear in the pastthat my administration fully supports a one-China policy, as reflectedin the three joint communiqués that date back several decades, in termsof our relations with Taiwan as well as our relations with the People'sRepublic of China.  We don't want to change that policy and thatapproach.
I am very pleased with the reduction of tensions and the improvementin cross-straits relations, and it is my deep desire and hope that wewill continue to see great improvement between Taiwan and the rest of-- and the People's Republic in resolving many of these issues.
One of the things that I think that the United States, in terms ofits foreign policy and its policy with respect to China, is alwaysseeking is ways that through dialogue and negotiations, problems can besolved.  We always think that's the better course.  And I think thateconomic ties and commercial ties that are taking place in this regionare helping to lower a lot of the tensions that date back before youwere born or even before I was born.
Now, there are some people who still look towards the past when itcomes to these issues, as opposed to looking towards the future.  Iprefer to look towards the future.  And as I said, I think thecommercial ties that are taking place -- there's something about whenpeople think that they can do business and make money that makes themthink very clearly and not worry as much about ideology.  And I thinkthat that's starting to happen in this region, and we are verysupportive of that process.  Okay?
Let's see, it's a girl's turn now, right?  Yes, right there. Yes. Hold on, let's get -- whoops, I'm sorry, they took the mic back here. I'll call on you next.
Go ahead, and then I'll go up here later.  Go ahead.
Q    Thank you.
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  I'll call on you later.  But I'll on her first and then I'll call on you afterwards.
Go ahead.
Q    Okay, thank you.  Mr. President, I'm a student from ShanghaiJiao Tong University.  I have a question concerning the Nobel Prize forPeace.  In your opinion, what's the main reason that you were honoredthe Nobel Prize for Peace?  And will it give you more responsibilityand pressure to -- more pressure and the responsibility to promoteworld peace?  And will it bring you -- will it influence your ideaswhile dealing with the international affairs?  Thank you very much.
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you.  That was an excellent question.  Ihave to say that nobody was more surprised than me about winning theNobel Prize for Peace.  Obviously it's a great honor.  I don't believenecessarily that it's an honor I deserve, given the extraordinaryhistory of people who have won the prize. All I can do is to, withgreat humility, accept the fact that I think the committee was inspiredby the American people and the possibilities of changing not onlyAmerica but also America's approach to the world.  And so in some waysI think they gave me the prize but I was more just a symbol of theshift in our approach to world affairs that we are trying to promote.
In terms of the burden that I feel, I am extraordinarily honored tobe put in the position of President.  And as my wife always reminds mewhen I complain that I'm working too hard, she says, you volunteeredfor this job.  (Laughter.)  And so you -- there's a saying -- I don'tknow if there's a similar saying in China -- we have a saying:  "Youmade your bed, now you have to sleep in it."  And it basically meansyou have to be careful what you ask for because you might get it.
I think that all of us have obligations for trying to promote peacein the world.  It's not always easy to do.  There are still a lot ofconflicts in the world that are -- date back for centuries.  If youlook at the Middle East, there are wars and conflict that are rooted inarguments going back a thousand years.  In many parts of the world --let's say, in the continent of Africa -- there are ethnic and tribalconflicts that are very hard to resolve.
And obviously, right now, as President of the United States, part ofmy job is to serve as Commander-in-Chief, and my first priority is toprotect the American people.  And because of the attacks on 9/11 andthe terrorism that has been taking place around the world whereinnocent people are being killed, it is my obligation to make sure thatwe root out these terrorist organizations, and that we cooperate withother countries in terms of dealing with this kind of violence.
Nevertheless, although I don't think that we can ever completelyeliminate violence between nations or between peoples, I think that wecan definitely reduce the violence between peoples -- through dialogue,through the exchange of ideas, through greater understanding betweenpeoples and between cultures.
And particularly now when just one individual can detonate a bombthat causes so much destruction, it is more important than ever that wepursue these strategies for peace.  Technology is a powerful instrumentfor good, but it has also given the possibility for just a few peopleto cause enormous damage.  And that's why I'm hopeful that in mymeetings with President Hu and on an ongoing basis, both the UnitedStates and China can work together to try to reduce conflicts that aretaking place.
We have to do so, though, also keeping in mind that when we use ourmilitary, because we're such big and strong countries, that we have tobe self-reflective about what we do; that we have to examine our ownmotives and our own interests to make sure that we are not simply usingour military forces because nobody can stop us.  That's a burden thatgreat countries, great powers, have, is to act responsibly in thecommunity of nations.  And my hope is, is that the United States andChina together can help to create an international norms that reduceconflict around the world.  (Applause.)
Okay.  All right?  Jon -- I'm going to call on my Ambassador becauseI think he has a question that was generated through the Web site ofour embassy.  This was selected, though, by I think one of the membersof our U.S. press corps so that --
AMBASSADOR HUNTSMAN:  That's right.  And not surprisingly, "in acountry with 350 million Internet users and 60 million bloggers, do youknow of the firewall?"  And second, "should we be able to use Twitterfreely" -- is the question.
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, first of all, let me say that I have neverused Twitter.  I noticed that young people -- they're very busy withall these electronics.  My thumbs are too clumsy to type in things onthe phone.  But I am a big believer in technology and I'm a bigbeliever in openness when it comes to the flow of information.  I thinkthat the more freely information flows, the stronger the societybecomes, because then citizens of countries around the world can holdtheir own governments accountable.  They can begin to think forthemselves. That generates new ideas.  It encourages creativity.
And so I've always been a strong supporter of open Internet use. I'm a big supporter of non-censorship.  This is part of the traditionof the United States that I discussed before, and I recognize thatdifferent countries have different traditions.  I can tell you that inthe United States, the fact that we have free Internet -- orunrestricted Internet access is a source of strength, and I thinkshould be encouraged.
Now, I should tell you, I should be honest, as President of theUnited States, there are times where I wish information didn't flow sofreely because then I wouldn't have to listen to people criticizing meall the time.  I think people naturally are -- when they're inpositions of power sometimes thinks, oh, how could that person say thatabout me, or that's irresponsible, or -- but the truth is that becausein the United States information is free, and I have a lot of criticsin the United States who can say all kinds of things about me, Iactually think that that makes our democracy stronger and it makes me abetter leader because it forces me to hear opinions that I don't wantto hear. It forces me to examine what I'm doing on a day-to-day basisto see, am I really doing the very best that I could be doing for thepeople of the United States.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-22 09:40:02 | 只看该作者
And I think the Internet has become an even more powerful tool for that kind of citizen participation.  In fact, one of the reasons that I won the presidency was because we were able to mobilize young people like yourself to get involved through the Internet.  Initially, nobody thought we could win because we didn't have necessarily the most wealthy supporters; we didn't have the most powerful political brokers.  But through the Internet, people became excited about our campaign and they started to organize and meet and set up campaign activities and events and rallies.  And it really ended up creating the kind of bottom-up movement that allowed us to do very well.

Now, that's not just true in -- for government and politics. It's also true for business.  You think about a company like Google that only 20 years ago was -- less than 20 years ago was the idea of a couple of people not much older than you.  It was a science project.  And suddenly because of the Internet, they were able to create an industry that has revolutionized commerce all around the world.  So if it had not been for the freedom and the openness that the Internet allows, Google wouldn't exist.

So I'm a big supporter of not restricting Internet use, Internet access, other information technologies like Twitter.  The more open we are, the more we can communicate.  And it also helps to draw the world together.

Think about -- when I think about my daughters, Malia and Sasha -- one is 11, one is 8 -- from their room, they can get on the Internet and they can travel to Shanghai.  They can go anyplace in the world and they can learn about anything they want to learn about.  And that's just an enormous power that they have.  And that helps, I think, promote the kind of understanding that we talked about.

Now, as I said before, there's always a downside to technology.  It also means that terrorists are able to organize on the Internet in ways that they might not have been able to do before.  Extremists can mobilize.  And so there's some price that you pay for openness, there's no denying that.  But I think that the good outweighs the bad so much that it's better to maintain that openness.  And that's part of why I'm so glad that the Internet was part of this forum.  Okay?

I'm going to take two more questions.  And the next one is from a gentleman, I think.  Right here, yes.  Here's the microphone.

Q    First, I would like to say that it is a great honor for me to stand here to ask you the questions.  I think I am so lucky and just appreciate that your speech is so clear that I really do not need such kind of headset.  (Laughter.)

And here comes my question.  My name is (inaudible) from Fudan University School of Management.  And I would like to ask you the question -- is that now that someone has asked you something about the Nobel Peace Prize, but I will not ask you in the same aspect.  I want to ask you in the other aspect that since it is very hard for you to get such kind of an honorable prize, and I wonder and we all wonder that -- how you struggled to get it.  And what's your university/college education that brings you to get such kind of prizes?  We are very curious about it and we would like to invite you to share with us your campus education experiences so as to go on the road of success.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, first of all, let me tell you that I don't know if there's a curriculum or course of study that leads you to win the Nobel Peace Prize.  (Laughter.)  So I can't guarantee that.  But I think the recipe for success is the one that you are already following.  Obviously all of you are working very hard, you're studying very hard.  You're curious.  You're willing to think about new ideas and think for yourself.  You know, the people who I meet now that I find most inspiring who are successful I think are people who are not only willing to work very hard but are constantly trying to improve themselves and to think in new ways, and not just accept the conventional wisdom.

Obviously there are many different paths to success, and some of you are going to be going into government service; some of you might want to be teachers or professors; some of you might want to be businesspeople.  But I think that whatever field you go into, if you're constantly trying to improve and never satisfied with not having done your best, and constantly asking new questions -- "Are there things that I could be doing differently?  Are there new approaches to problems that nobody has thought of before, whether it's in science or technology or in the arts? -- those are usually the people who I think are able to rise about the rest.

The one last piece of advice, though, that I would have that has been useful for me is the people who I admire the most and are most successful, they're not just thinking only about themselves but they're also thinking about something larger than themselves.  So they want to make a contribution to society.  They want to make a contribution to their country, their nation, their city.  They are interested in having an impact beyond their own immediate lives.

I think so many of us, we get caught up with wanting to make money for ourselves and have a nice car and have a nice house and -- all those things are important, but the people who really make their mark on the world is because they have a bigger ambition.  They say, how can I help feed hungry people?  Or, how can I help to teach children who don't have an education?  Or, how can I bring about peaceful resolution of conflicts?  Those are the people I think who end up making such a big difference in the world.  And I'm sure that young people like you are going to be able to make that kind of difference as long as you keep working the way you've been working.

All right?  All right, this is going to be the last question, unfortunately.  We've run out of time so quickly.  Our last Internet question, because I want to make sure that we got all three of our fine students here.

Q    Mr. President, it's a great honor for the last question.  And I'm a college student from Fudan University, and today I'm also the representative of China's Youth (inaudible.)  And this question I think is from Beijing:  Paid great attention to your Afghanistan policies, and he would like to know whether terrorism is still the greatest security concern for the United States?  And how do you assess the military actions in Afghanistan, or whether it will turn into another Iraqi war?  Thank you very much.

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  I think that's an excellent question.  Well, first of all, I do continue to believe that the greatest threat to United States' security are the terrorist networks like al Qaeda.  And the reason is, is because even though they are small in number, what they have shown is, is that they have no conscience when it comes to the destruction of innocent civilians.  And because of technology today, if an organization like that got a weapon of mass destruction on its hands -- a nuclear or a chemical or a biological weapon -- and they used it in a city, whether it's in Shanghai or New York, just a few individuals could potentially kill tens of thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands.  So it really does pose an extraordinary threat.

Now, the reason we originally went into Afghanistan was because al Qaeda was in Afghanistan, being hosted by the Taliban. They have now moved over the border of Afghanistan and they are in Pakistan now, but they continue to have networks with other extremist organizations in that region.  And I do believe that it is important for us to stabilize Afghanistan so that the people of Afghanistan can protect themselves, but they can also be a partner in reducing the power of these extremist networks.

Now, obviously it is a very difficult thing -- one of the hardest things about my job is ordering young men and women into the battlefield.  I often have to meet with the mothers and fathers of the fallen, those who do not come home.  And it is a great weight on me.  It gives me a heavy heart.

Fortunately, our Armed Services is -- the young men and women who participate, they believe so strongly in their service to their country that they are willing to go.  And I think that it is possible -- working in a broader coalition with our allies in NATO and others that are contributing like Australia -- to help train the Afghans so that they have a functioning government, that they have their own security forces, and then slowly we can begin to pull our troops out because there's no longer that vacuum that existed after the Taliban left.

But it's a difficult task.  It's not easy.  And ultimately I think in trying to defeat these terrorist extremists, it's important to understand it's not just a military exercise.  We also have to think about what motivates young people to become terrorists, why would they become suicide bombers.  And although there are obviously a lot of different reasons, including I think the perversion of religion, in thinking that somehow these kinds of violent acts are appropriate, part of what's happened in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan is these young people have no education, they have no opportunities, and so they see no way for them to move forward in life, and that leads them into thinking that this is their only option.

And so part of what we want to do in Afghanistan is to find ways that we can train teachers and create schools and improve agriculture so that people have a greater sense of hope.  That won't change the ideas of a Osama bin Laden who are very ideologically fixed on trying to strike at the West, but it will change the pool of young people who they can recruit from.  And that is at least as important, if not more important over time, as whatever military actions that we can take.  Okay?

All right, I have had a wonderful time.  I am so grateful to all of you.  First of all, let me say I'm very impressed with all of your English.  Clearly you've been studying very hard.  And having a chance to meet with all of you I think has given me great hope for the future of U.S.-China relations.

I hope that many of you have the opportunity to come and travel and visit the United States.  You will be welcome.  I think you will find that the American people feel very warmly towards the people of China.  And I am very confident that, with young people like yourselves and the young people that I know in the United States, that our two great countries will continue to prosper and help to bring about a more peaceful and secure world.

So thank you very much everybody.  Thank you.  (Applause.)


2:08 P.M. CST
发表于 2009-11-22 09:49:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-22 10:07:53 | 只看该作者

发表于 2009-11-22 10:20:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-22 13:47:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-22 16:35:55 | 只看该作者



想想-当我想到我的女儿,玛丽亚和萨莎-一个是11,一个是从他们的房间8 - ,他们可以在互联网上,他们可以前往上海。他们可以去世界任何地方和他们可以了解任何他们想进一步了解。而这还只是一个巨大的权力,他们有。而且,帮助,我认为,推动这种认识,我们谈论。






显然,有许多成功的不同途径,以及你们中的一些将要前往的政府部门中,你们当中有些人可能想成为教师或教授,你们当中有些人可能想成为商人。但我认为,无论你去外地到,如果你不断在提高,从未与没有这样做你最好的满足,不断提出新的问题- “有些事情我也可以做到不同?是否有到没有人想到的问题的新方法之前, ,无论是在科学或技术或艺术? -这些通常是谁的人,我认为能够增加对其余的。


我想是我们许多人,我们可以追上想为自己赚钱,并有一个好车,有一个好房子, -所有这些事情都是重要的,但谁真正使人们对世界的标志,是因为他们有一个更大的野心。他们说,我可以怎样帮助饲料饥饿的人民,还是我可以怎样帮助孩子的管教谁没有教育,还是我怎样才能实现和平解决冲突的?这些都是人民我认为谁最终作出这样的世界大不同。而且我相信,像你们年轻人都将能够使该为你工作的方式来一直在努力保持一种长期的差异。





现在,很明显这是一个非常困难的事-在我的工作是最难做到的事情之一就是命令到战场的青年男女。我经常见面的母亲和牺牲者,那些谁不回家的父亲。 ,这是对我的极大重视。这给了我沉重的心情。







发表于 2009-11-22 16:36:57 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-22 22:10:42 | 只看该作者
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