[ 本帖最后由 别处 于 2009-11-16 06:03 编辑 ]
作者: 别处 时间: 2009-11-16 06:09
标题: 猪流感
At-risk groups:
People aged between three and up to and including 64 years of age within one or more of the following at-risk groups:
- Patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases
- Patients with chronic lung diseases including asthma, particularly with reduced lung capacity
- Patients with reduced immunity to infections
- Pregnant women in their second or third trimesters
- Patients with diabetes types 1 and 2
- Patients with chronic kidney or liver failure
- Patients with chronic neurological disease or injury
- Patients with morbid obesity (BMI > 40)
Do you suspect that you have been infected?
Have you:
- been in close contact with someone who is already infected?
- a temperature above 38 °C measured with a thermometer?
- a general feeling of being unwell, aching muscles and joints and headaches?
- respiratory symptoms, sore throat and bad cough?
What can you do if you suspect that you have been infected:
- Stay at home for seven days after the symptoms appear. This will prevent spreading the disease.
- The Student Health Services Centre can provide necessary medication if you have had the flu for less than 48 hours.
- If you belong to one of the at-risk groups or experience severe symptoms such as difficulties with breathing or eating and drinking, contact your general practitioner, the Student Health Services Centre or the Emergency Medical Agency in Oslo.
- Make arrangements with family members, friends or your landlord to make sure that you receive the help you need should your condition become worse.
How can you avoid spreading the disease?
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, particularly after coughing or sneezing. Disinfectants (such as Antibac) are also effective.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow if you do not have a paper tissue at hand.
- Restrict close contact with people who are ill. If you are ill yourself, keep your distance from others to prevent the disease from spreading.
- Instead of shaking hands with people, give them a pat on the back or find other ways of greeting them.
作者: ccsky 时间: 2009-11-16 09:54
作者: 潜龙入海 时间: 2009-11-18 11:33
作者: 苏姜 时间: 2009-11-25 11:54
take care, miss ya a lot
作者: ketty7200 时间: 2009-11-25 16:26
作者: 黄金甲 时间: 2009-11-27 10:38
作者: 一诺千金 时间: 2009-11-28 11:15
作者: 别处 时间: 2009-11-30 06:12
标题: 童童
童童非常聪明,有极强的观察力和理解力。她问问题非常犀利, 每次跟她聊天,都得集中点精神,因为可能冷不防就被她的一个问题问倒。比如最近的一个问题,或者说是质问,是: 你既然做中国方面的研究,为什么要跑到国外去?你呆在国外,怎么能了解中国的事情?要了解中国,难道不是应该去全国各地都去走走看看?问题之尖锐很难想像是出自八岁小孩之口。
童童年纪虽小,但个性已非常鲜明。她很独立,有些霸道,又很敏感,有些害羞,有时候对自己不够自信。我经常鼓励她,告诉她她非常聪明,她问我: 如果说我聪明的话,那为什么我考试时还总是要做错题?我想童童很长一段时间都会挣扎于这样的自我否定和怀疑中,直到她能真正开始选择自己的道路,投入于自己所喜欢的能发挥能力优势的事情中去。童童总是在观察别人,也经常反省自己。她的心中似乎总有股火在燃烧,充满**,不喜受约束。但她又有着很强烈的对错之判断,会为应该与不应该这类问题所困扰。我相信她以后会遇到很多的矛盾和冲突,不仅仅是和他人和社会,也是和她自己。
去年回家,见到童童和她爸妈。童童郑重其事地向她爸爸介绍我: 爸爸,这就是我的小阿姨。她不知道我认识她爸爸的时间比认识她还长。今年回家,她一口气跟我讲了数十件她的故事,从她小时候发生的趣事,她现在的烦恼,她与父母的关系,到她的理想,一古脑儿全倒出来,讲话速度极快。我只安安静静地听她讲完,全无插嘴的机会。年初,我动了一个小手术,她知道了,非常着急,马上写了封信,让她妈妈传给我,让我甚为感动。
[ 本帖最后由 别处 于 2009-11-30 06:34 编辑 ]
作者: 无铭 时间: 2009-11-30 08:18
作者: 潜龙入海 时间: 2009-11-30 10:24
作者: 潜龙入海 时间: 2009-12-12 17:02
作者: 潜龙入海 时间: 2009-12-12 17:02
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