Air Force Liaison officer of American Consulate in Hong Kong
Dear Mr. Michael Dembroski
I am Chi Yao Wu (吴其轺 C. Y. Wu). I was a Captain Commander in Chinese American Composite Wing 5 fighter Group, 29 Fighter Squadron Group, under the 14th Air Force of the U.S. Army General Claire Chennault Commander in Chief, garrisoned at Zhi Jiang, Hu Nan(芷江,湖南), from Oct.1943 to Aug.1945, fought in Anti- Japanese War with American Air Force. I flew 88 combat missions, shot down and bomb out several Japanese battle planes with American Air Force and flew through Himalayas from India to China to transport materials. I was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (D.F.C.), the Air Medal,and also got the Group Honorary Medal. On April 12, 1945, while executing the mission to fight the Japanese Army at Wu Chang,Hu Bei(武昌,湖北), my plane’s engine was hit by Japanese fire, and also my undercarriage was
destroyed, I had to bail out at Long Tou An village, Chen Xi county (辰溪县龙头庵乡) where the distance to Zhi Jiang airport is 120 km ( Please see the combat mission).
Dec., 1949 , I was arranged at the Library of ZheJiang University. After that I was persecuted for 26 years. All medals and certificates were confiscated by the authorities. I am Chinese, and I am a good friend of American peoples. I have lot friends in American Air Force while we were fighting through fire and water, also I have friends they are Chinese airman. Three medals are honor that American Air Force confirms my heroic work in Anti- Japanese War. Also it’s a historical witness for Chinese and American Air Force. Now I am 91 years old. Because I was persecuted for 26 years, I am serious ill and hemiplegia. I know my life couldn’t last long. My last will is I could see my three medals that encourage me in my whole life, they are given by American Air Force.
I will appreciate you very much if you can help me to get the replacement of the three medals; I think the replacement of the medal is the symbol of valor, pride and good relationship with the U.S. Air Force.
我吴其轺(C i Yao Wu)原是美国第十四航空队陈纳德将军统率下的中美联合飞行第五战斗机大队29中队上尉分队长,驻守中国湖南芷江机场,1943年10月-1945年8月与美军飞行员一起对日军作战,飞行过88次战斗任务,曾和美军一起击落、炸毁日军战斗机数架,也曾三次被日军击落身受重伤,又三次重上蓝天和日军继续战斗,由于我的英勇顽强,被美军授予空军杰出飞行员,并被美军颁授飞行优异十字勋章,航空奖章,单位集体荣誉奖章各壹枚,1945年4月12日在执行打击武昌日军的任务中发动机被日军炮火击中起落架击毁被迫降落在离芷江机场120公里的辰溪县龙头庵乡(详见作战任务书),抗战胜利后我又以优异的成绩考入美国空军大学战术系留学,毕业后回国。1949年12月我被安排在浙江大学图书馆工作,此后我遭到政治迫害26年,被关押20年,出狱后靠踩人力三轮车维持生活6年,1980年得到纠正。关押期间全部奖章、证书都被官方抄家没收。我是中国人,也是美国人民的好朋友,美国空军中也有很多和我一起出生入死的战友及华裔空军,三枚奖章是美军对我在抗日战争中英勇顽强的表彰,也是中美空军见证这段历史的证据,我今年已92岁了,遭受迫害26年后身患重症,半身不遂,自知在世时间有限,我最后的心愿就是在我离开这个世界前能再见到激励我一生,让我坚强活下去的三枚美军奖章,我死而无憾。近期我得知我的战友林雨水先生,周训典先生在您馆的帮助下获得美国政府重新颁发的消息,十分激动(详见附件),为此:恳请香港总领事馆空军武官杰佛瑞先生帮助我得到奖章的替代物,我认为奖章的替代物是英勇自豪及与美国空军友好关系的象征,也象征着美中人民血浓于水的情感。期盼您的佳音。谢谢!